I am a medication technician in another state. How do I transfer my certification to Missouri?
You may be eligible to challenge the Missouri examination if you are listed as a Certified Medication Technician on another state's register as active and in good standing. You must submit a copy of your out-of-state certificate, a letter of recommendation from previous long-term care employer on facility letterhead, copy of your social security card, a return address and a phone number where you can be reached during the day. Once this information is received and verified with the out-of-state register you will receive a response within seven (7) to ten (10) working days.
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- Antiobiotic Resistance 13 статьи
- BRFSS 12 статьи
- Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs 14 статьи
- Certified Medication Technician (CMT) 3 статьи
- Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) 25 статьи
- Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) 3 статьи
- Child Care - All 23 статьи
- Cystic Fibrosis 7 статьи
- Drug Repository 17 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Artificial Sweeteners 2 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Cereal 3 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Cycle Menus 2 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Dark Green/Orange Fruits and Vegetables 1 статья
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Family Style Meals 3 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Fruits/Vegetables 5 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Fundraisers 1 статья
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Juice 1 статья
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Meat/Meat Alternate 4 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Outside Food Policy 3 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Sweet Items/High-Fat Snack Items 14 статьи
- Eat Smart Guidelines for Child Care - Whole Grains 5 статьи
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 9 статьи
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)-2 10 статьи
- Employment 5 статьи
- Family Care Safety Registry 23 статьи
- Food Safety - Consumers 11 статьи
- Food Safety - Manufactured Foods - Better Process Control 15 статьи
- Food Safety - Manufactured Foods - Labeling 9 статьи
- Food Safety - Retail Foods 19 статьи
- Food Safety - Retail Foods - Summer Food Service Program 16 статьи
- General Program Questions (CNA, CMT and Insulin Registry) 9 статьи
- GIS and Maps - General 10 статьи
- GIS and Maps - Labels 4 статьи
- GIS and Maps - Layout 4 статьи
- GIS and Maps - Symbology 5 статьи
- GIS and Maps - Tabular Data 6 статьи
- Good Cause Waiver 9 статьи
- H3N2v 8 статьи
- HAI - CLAB Manual 13 статьи
- HAI - Missouri Healthcare–Associated Infection Reporting System 20 статьи
- HAI - Surgical Site Infections (SSI) Manual 9 статьи
- HAI - Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Prevention Manual 12 статьи
- HCBS - Contract Proposals 21 статьи
- Hemophilia 14 статьи
- Instructor/Examiner & Clinical Supervisor (CNA, CMT and Insulin Registry) 5 статьи
- Intervention MICA 1 статья
- Lead Licensing - General Licensure 15 статьи
- Lead Licensing - Inspection and Risk Assessment 7 статьи
- Lead Licensing - Licensed Contractors 10 статьи
- Lead Poisoning 8 статьи
- Local WIC Providers 15 статьи
- Lodging Licensing 16 статьи
- Management Care Preformance Monitoring 4 статьи
- Missouri County-level Study - General 9 статьи
- Missouri County-level Study - Study Design and Methodology 5 статьи
- Missouri Health Care-Associated Infection Reporting 14 статьи
- Missouri Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System 8 статьи
- MRSA and VRE Reporting 7 статьи
- Newborn Hearing Screening 6 статьи
- Newborn Screening 10 статьи
- Nursing Homes - Adult Day Care Program 13 статьи
- Nursing Homes - Certificate of Need 4 статьи
- Nursing Homes - Construction and Remodeling 7 статьи
- Nursing Homes - Nursing Home Certification 1 статья
- Nursing Homes - Nursing Home General Information 5 статьи
- Nursing Homes - Nursing Home Licensure 12 статьи
- Nursing Homes - Nursing Home Resources 6 статьи
- Onsite Sewage Professionals 10 статьи
- Onsite Wastewater Treatment 14 статьи
- Organ Donor - Donation Process 12 статьи
- Organ Donor - Family Issues 6 статьи
- Organ Donor - Healthcare Information 19 статьи
- Organ Donor - How to Become a Donor 4 статьи
- Organ Donor - Who is Eligible? 4 статьи
- PRAMS (Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System) 8 статьи
- Pregnancy and Beyond 10 статьи
- Prenatal Substance Use Prevention - General Public 5 статьи
- Prenatal Substance Use Prevention - Health Care Providers 5 статьи
- Prescription Drug Repository 17 статьи
- Private Drinking Water 12 статьи
- Radon 10 статьи
- Registry Information - General 14 статьи
- Registry Information - Registering at License Office 4 статьи
- Registry Information - Signing Up/Removing 7 статьи
- Registry Update (CNA, CMT and Insulin Registry) 1 статья
- SHCN - Family Partnership 4 статьи
- Show Me Healthy Women - Available Funds 1 статья
- Show Me Healthy Women - BCCT 1 статья
- Show Me Healthy Women - Billing 3 статьи
- Show Me Healthy Women - Completing SMHW Forms 4 статьи
- Sickle Cell Anemia 19 статьи
- State Public Health Laboratory - Breath Alcohol 13 статьи
- Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) 13 статьи
- TEL-LINK 8 статьи
- Time Critical Diagnosis System (TCD) 5 статьи
- Tobacco Use 10 статьи
- WIC 15 статьи
- WIC - Breastfeeding 1 статья
- WIC - Families 13 статьи
- WIC - Health Care Providers 18 статьи
- WIC - Retailers 24 статьи
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System 2 статьи
- Youth Tobacco Survey (YTS) 2 статьи
- Все статьи